Testimonials for the Ben & His Helmet Series
“I love these books, and promote them in all my schools (13 in all), not just in the Special Ed Units, but the libraries as well!”
AVT, Brisbane, Australia

Testimonials for the Sensory Detective Workshop
“I attended your workshop on Friday and walked away so much more confident about my work as a support worker; you helped me to more deeply understand ASD. You have given me so much to work with, and to share with my colleagues, thank you again.”
Community Support Worker, Townsville
“Thank you for coming to Kingaroy today. We are at the beginning of our Aspie journey with our 7 year old son. During the workshop I had so many different emotions but the best thing was that someone else "got" and understood our son. The information I gained today was amazing and invaluable in helping me understand our gorgeous boy. Thank you so much!”
Parent, Kingaroy
“Thank you Nelle, the best professional development day I've ever been to, recommend to anyone! I’m so excited to apply what I have learned with my families.”
BM, Early Childhood Teacher, Ballarat
“I would like to personally THANK YOU for your inspirational and meaningful workshop in Bowral. I have worked with Special Needs children for many years but you are a breath of fresh air in my life. Your stories are real and so relatable! I have a new look on life today. I have always said that ASD children can be extremely successful, so I always have high expectations for the children in my classes. However many colleagues in the teaching profession struggle with that one concept - SUCCESS for ASD children. Thanks for your insight and the expert knowledge you shared.”
Alison, Bowral
“Great presentation - as Nelle has 'walked the walk' herself she really knows what she is talking about and good perspective for both parents and professionals. Great to see a mix of people at a PD like this - tells you that it's not only a school issue. I highly recommend the Sensory Detective Workshop!”
Cairns, Queensland
“Fantastic day.... Venue... Refreshments... Work shop ... Nellie u are fantastic - a real inspirational speaker... The air you have about you is just so strong and you held my attention the whole day... Your family must love you dearly as you truly are brilliant...continue on your path as you open eyes and teach.... The best gift of all…”
Care Worker, Warwick
“Your workshop was bloody FANTASTIC. You are the most honest and knowledgeable advocate for our children. THANK YOU! Thank you so much for your raw, easy to understand and fiercely passionate teachings. You’ve opened our eyes and minds. I won’t lie some of the material is confronting (it needs to be) but there is no more burying our heads and hoping for the best. You’ve equipped us to be aware and ready to support with transitions. I am extremely grateful. It was also important for dad to attend. He struggles with acceptance and fears the future but mums know, knowledge IS POWER. He heard some practical advice from people living the same / similar experience. Realising we are not alone and that there is help out there is reassuring. Keep doing what you doing Nelle and Michael, we need the message to be spread far and wide.”
Deb, Mackay
“I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your training on Thursday and how inspirational I found you, as well as insightful. It has definitely been the best training I have been to and I have really taken on so many of your gold nuggets. “
CO, Teacher, Dysart
“As a parent of an Aspie son and an educator, I found it a very practical and engaging workshop. Thank you. Having listened to a number of ASD guru I believe Nelle's session to be the most helpful to both the parent and the educator. It will be the one I recommend from now on! Nelle, thank you for being so brave and sharing your ongoing story with us.”
“Dear Nelle,
I am writing to tell you how much I enjoyed the Asperger's Workshop on Saturday.
To get the information from someone who has intimate knowledge and experience is so rewarding. It is not just theory or academic but coming from factual experience. Your family's experiences plus all the further researching and investigating are too rich not to be shared. Many families will be saved by this information.
I have read a couple of books written by adults with Asperger's Syndrome, however your workshop explains about how different it can be for each person. You also (and this is SO important) give sound practical advice firstly to understand what triggers may set off a meltdown, but also how to handle a meltdown.
I strongly feel your workshop should be mandatory for each and every teacher in every school. The quality of life/school would be improved for the student, teacher, fellow classmates and parents when the student goes home.
Kind regards,
Letter from Pat
“I’d like to say what a phenomenal sensory workshop you held here in Mount Isa. I feel any person who interacts with autistic people, whether in a school environment or any other profession should attend your workshop. I’ve now attended quite a few workshops but yours is by far the best.”
Parent, Mount Isa
“I found this talk extremely informative as my mental health training did not include ASD. The talk has given me new insights into the triggers, early warning signs and environmental triggers that can cause melt-down for persons with ASD - invaluable. The tools to prevent and assist persons with ASD were articulated in clear simple language which I can immediately put to use in my everyday practice when dealing with persons with ASD. The talk was a real eye-opener and I immediately reflected on my recent involvement with a person I nursed with ASD. I feel I will do a far better job next time after this education session.”
Sandra, Registered Nurse
“This workshop was just what my husband and I needed to provide practical strategies to apply for our child. Since the recent diagnosis the struggle has been differentiating behaviour between bad behaviour and behaviour that was a direct result of his ASC and sensory overload. I realise now that the sensory profile will be key to identifying how his behaviour is influenced and how to build on his strengths. Thank you.”
Parents, Mackay
“My husband and I attended your incredible workshop yesterday held in Rockhampton. Everything Autism is new to us. I'm writing to tell you that everything you presented resonated with us in one way or another. I was instantly engaged, until the end of day. Your raw approach and real life experiences is invaluable. I wish you the best in all your upcoming workshops and future endeavours. Thank you.”
Mum, Rockhampton
“Your training has been unreal, both for my son and me. What you taught us are the tools for the rest of our lives. Your courses are absolutely awesome and we use the tools every day and they truly help. One happy, loving, understanding-each-other family!”
Ann E, Sunshine Coast
“Loved, loved, loved the workshop! I am in the Community care industry and work with clients who have Aspergers. My favourite part of the day was listening to the real life encounters Nelle & her family experienced and how they overcame the challenges together. It helped me put myself in my clients shoes and gave me an educated insight into their world, and how it differs to those not on the spectrum. Absolutely great!”
Carer, Warwick
“It was a great Inservice – informative, insightful, intriguing! I’ve gained a great deal of knowledge and understanding. Best session of the day!”
TAFE Mooloolaba

Testimonials for the Sensory Detective Program
"I don't think a day goes by where you aren't mentioned Nelle! You certainly had an effect on E (aged 4.5) in a positive way. She used to cuddle me sometimes, but now she comes in every morning, gives me a cuddle and says 'good morning Mum'. It's lovely to see her so much more aware!"
JH, Buderim 2015
"Nelle has changed our lives.... she has given a very sensory affected little boy hope and understanding like we never thought possible. We now can understand and communicate to our little miracle like never before. We are forever grateful for what you have done for our family!"
KC, Glasshouse Mountains 2015
"God I love that we have this amazing woman supporting our family! We love you Nelle. For those of you who live with ASD in one way or another, make the connection with Nelle Frances. She's a mum too and a wealth of knowledge and acceptance. She gets it!!"
KS, Petrie 2015
"After completing the training R (aged 15) is able to express how he's feeling much more easily, and he's talking a lot more about his sensory issues. He learnt really good techniques to help him deal with challenging situations at home and at school. It was an excellent and well-organised program."
NH, Morayfield 2014
“The program was great! After completing the program H (aged 6) wasn't having as many meltdowns! We found the iPad apps very calming."
TD, Mountain Creek 2014
"The most useful technique our family learned from the training was the idea of looking beyond the behaviour to the sensory issues that may be influencing it. After completing the training S (aged 11) is cleaning his teeth much better, and is able to voice which toothpaste is acceptable. We’ve also been able to use a range of sensory tools to enable us to go to a shopping centre for a couple of hours without meltdown!"
MS, Nambour 2014
"Nelle warned me that the program would be challenging for my daughter. That perhaps her behaviours would escalate while being 'poked and prodded'. This definitely happened but towards the end of the training I saw my daughter start to understand that her life was (for lack of a better phrase harder than her peers, for reasons she was not responsible. I saw a weight lift from her little shoulders as it dawned on her and she even said to an adult friend "no thanks, I don't want a hug, I have autism and it doesn't feel good for me". She now understands that IS the reason. Nelle offered our family the opportunity to shrug off the (perceived) judgements and get on with loving her."
LG, Glasshouse Mountains 2015