Sustainable Social Skills
Sustainable Social Skills
This innovative, behaviour management programme engages children in three-dimensional learning to develop social skills and embed them for life.
This hands-on teaching package, developed and refined over more than ten years, provides detailed descriptions of how to set up the programme, 20 lesson plans, including lesson-by-lesson goals, equipment lists and blackline masters.
“Children with poor social skills often have difficulty working in groups. They experience a range of behavioural challenges, such as sensory overload, high anxiety, poor communication skills, taking turns, following instructions, not understanding the dynamics of group work and not seeing the benefits of completing work in a group or team.”
This structured and engaging programme focuses heavily on teaching children how to work together to improve their communication, interpersonal relationships and group skills. In turn these skills enable them to self-regulate and self-manage their behaviour.
Please find below downloadable, printable order forms to order offline. If you're an individual simply fill in the order form and post with your cheque or money order. If you're a school or other organisation you can fax or email your order to Nelle and she'll post the books with an Invoice. (07) 5351 1978 or
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