Nelle's Sensory Detective Program® is a program teaching children aged 4-16 to monitor their body response to sensory input, and increases their ability to self-regulate their emotions. This flows on to a more positive performance from your child.
The Nelle Frances team understands that your child’s sensory profile significantly contribute to their performance. All autistic performances, including meltdowns, are simply instinctive reactions to sensory irritation or overload. We often misread these responses as the child intentionally misbehaving.
Non-autistic individuals have the ability to filter sensory stimuli and block it out. Autistic people lack this filtering ability.
By establishing how sights, sounds, smells, touch, tastes, balance and movement issues impact your child, we support them to identify their physical responses to sensory input, and recognise their reaction to sensory input. This teaches them how to self monitor and self regulate their behaviour.
Sensory Detective Program® also provides your child with sensory supports and strategies, and a variety of self-calming and relaxation tools.

The Sensory Detective® program teaches children:
Awareness of the 9 Sensory systems
How and why senses become overloaded
To recognise sensory overload
Relaxation strategies and techniques
Language skills to communicate their sensory distress
Best practice therapies for children with Autism Spectrum conditions incorporate practising emerging skills across all environments - therapist's office, home and school. This ensures your child consolidates these new skills so they become well established in their daily life.
Phone 0477 715 913 to register your child in this innovative program.

Get in Touch

"I don't think a day goes by where you aren't mentioned Nelle! You certainly had an effect on E (aged 4) in a positive way. She used to cuddle me sometimes, but now she comes in every morning, gives me a cuddle and says 'good morning Mum'. It's lovely to see her so much more aware!"
JH, Buderim
"Best program ever! Life changing. Game changing. Mind blowing. Still the best thing I ever did to understand my girl. She also says it’s the best thing we ever did. For the first time she could express what it was to be her. 7 years on and we haven’t found any other intervention that has made such a big impact on our lives, and continues to daily. Nelle was our sensory saviour."
KS, Sunshine Coast
"After completing the training R (aged 15) is able to express how he's feeling much more easily, and he's talking a lot more about his sensory issues. He learnt really good techniques to help him deal with challenging situations at home and at school. It was an excellent and well-organised program."
NH, Morayfield